What’s the the worst thing that can happen to a dragon who is nearly as old as time itself? Make his soul mate young and immature. Then tell him he has to look after her while her sister goes away.
But to top all that? Want her to have a normal life. And then stand by while she wants to date boys and push her curfew.
For Zoah it would be so much easier to tell her who she is to him. But he knows that she’ll fall in love with the idea of him, not actually with him. He doesn’t want that, becasue he wants Charlotte to have her freedom, something that has already been taken from her once before.
When Charlotte finally senses the bond between her and Zoah she keeps it to herself. In doing so she leaves him no choice, and when his duties of caring for her are over, he leaves.
Over the next couple of years she grows and blossoms, sure he watches over her from time to time. But she doesn’t know if he will ever come back to claim her.
On a visit to Spellholm, she finds something that sets things in motion, leading her to distant shores, and into danger she thought long past. Her only hope is that Zoah will finally accept what is between them and act on it.
But for Zoah, it may already be too late…
Loved this continuation and that we were given both Charlotte and Zoah’s story and more of Fin the Minotaur. There is something so sad about his loneliness that makes me want a HEA for him too. I hope we get more of him along with the other dragons of spellholm. You’ve spoiled us with this new edition to the series coming out do quickly, I’m anxious for the next installment!! By the way, where/how did you come up with the name for Zoah?
Sorry, Lisa, completely missed your comment. I’m still trying to come up with the best way to tell the other stories. I may do them like my Bear Creek Clan Series, with each dragon having their own individual story. The difference with the dragons would be each story would progress the main story line.
How does that sound? And after I’ve finished up the short serial I am writing I will write one more bear book and then I will write Fin’s story. Look for it in May.
Zoah? Well, I have to admit I am terrible with names. I have to watch I don’t duplicate them, as I have many times! So I wanted the dragon names to be unique. I came up with Connor, all the dragon names are Celtic inspired. But Zoah I plucked out of my head. I think the movie Noah was around at the time, and I love the letter “Z”, so it went together perfectly.
What can I say, my mind wanders a lot!
I really like the idea of having each dragon with its own story. I just finished the third Bear Creek story and am looking forward to a new one. I can imagine how hard it must be to come up with names since the first ones that come to mind are normal sounding ones. How long does it typically take for you to write a story? Do you get writer’s block and if so, what do you do about it?
It takes me one to two weeks to write a story, depending on length. It also depends what else I have going on in my life, sometimes things are a bit hectic, but I try to do a minimum word count each day. I usually have lots of stories rattling round in my brain, but I must say right now I am not sure what to right next.
I am working on a three part serial, that I have written back to back. It’s a serial because I wanted to do cliffhangers, I love writing them, but the books will all be released at once, so you don’t have to hang around waiting for the other parts. After that, for the first time I have nothing begging to be written. So I am going to take a three days off and come back with fresh ideas hopefully. I would really like to write Eirik’s story next (from Biker Bear Billionaire) it will be set in Bear Bluff, a germ of an idea is there, I just need to develop it.
Edit – I also want to write Tarnac the tiger’s story. That is coming soon too.
Whoa! 1-2 weeks?? You go girl! Takes me that long to write a chapter! If after your days off, no story speaks to you, perhaps re-reading one of your own stories will get the juices flowing? Either way, if u out write it, we will come. *said in best Field of Dreams voice*
Thanks Lisa, it’s hard work, although I enjoy it. I’m back now and plan to write Eirik’s story to start me off again.
It’s done, Lisa! Fin’s story is sat over in publishing on Amazon. I hope it will be live tomorrow!